On Saturday and Sunday we gave our first computer and internet classes to the Chumkriel children. We had a good turn out even though they cycle quite far to get here, but Cambodian children are not lazy I am told. I think there is going to be a lot of interest in this from the children and the logistics of making sure everyone gets an opportunity to come to the classes are proving tricky. My original thinking was to have 2 classes at the weekends but it is now looking like there will be enough demand for a class every day.
We have three computers in the office so I think at most we can take six children per class. We anticipate that around 80 children will want to come regualrly.

The children are very keen and learn the basics of navigating the computer quickly however I will need to develop a sylabus as the course moves forward.

Most of the children have never seen a computer before so the first steps are familiarisation and making it fun.

I see that it doesn't matter where you go in the world, you can't get away from those black and silver dell desktops ;)
How about the software Mavis Beacon teaches typing....explain that one to the kids ;)
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