It's the Year of the Rat ! Many Khmer have some Chinese ancestry and there are a lot of ethnic Chinese. New Year is a major holiday here. There was a little procession on the Kampot river front this morning. Many firecrackers going off last night and today. Sarom came to visit with her brother and her colleague from Epic Arts - they brought a chocolate nut brownie cake ...mmmmm!
The new issue of Kampot Dar'laing has just been published. You can download a pdf copy from Some of the articles and details of Kampot projects are also available there.
On 8 December I attended a Human Rights Day celebration at Teuk Meas secondary school in Banteay Meas. There was mucic, dancing and a short play that the students put on about the right to attend school. The event was hosted by the Cambodian Children's Advocacy Foundation